Bring Your Own Tree Workshop
Bring Your Own Tree Workshop
Instructors: Howard and Sylvia Smith from BonsaiSmiths, Dallas, TX
Bring your own tree (maximum 2) and tools to the workshop and have professional guidance on design and actual hands-on styling of the tree including pruning and wiring. At the proper time of year, repotting and root pruning are the main
emphasis. Listen in on critiques of other members’ trees and expand your knowledge in the horticulture of several varieties suitable for bonsai training.
There are 3 Smith’s workshops a year; Feb., June or July, Nov., and this series has been continuous since 2014. You are encouraged to bring the same trees for several years to patiently develop them into nice bonsai specimens that you can take pride in.
Club Christmas Party
Club Christmas Party
Great fun with a pot-luck brunch and a Bonsai Christmas tree decorating contest! Show and Tell on the trees and the members vote for their favorite. The winner gets bragging rights for a year.
We end with a Bonsai-related Chinese Gift Exchange and a promise to continue improving our bonsai trees in the coming year.
Club Juniper Workshop for Fundraiser
Club Juniper Workshop for Fundraiser
The entire membership will work on repotting and then styling 1-gallon nursery pot Green Mound Junipers into 6” bonsai pots. All materials are supplied by the club.
Newer members are offered a short ‘how to’ class and then are given club junipers to practice on. A great learning experience on us. Bring your own tools or use club tools.
Good practice for all members as we produce 60-80 starter bonsai trees for sale to the public at the Japanese Festivals. We always sell out.
The funds we earn are used for programs throughout the year.
Bring Your Own Tree Workshop
Bring Your Own Tree Workshop
Instructors: Howard and Sylvia Smith from BonsaiSmiths, Dallas, TX
Bring your own tree (maximum 2) and tools to the workshop and have professional guidance on design and actual hands-on styling of the tree including pruning and wiring. At the proper time of year, repotting and root pruning are the main
emphasis. Listen in on critiques of other members’ trees and expand your knowledge in the horticulture of several varieties suitable for bonsai training.
There are 3 Smith’s workshops a year; Feb., June or July, Nov., and this series has been continuous since 2014. You are encouraged to bring the same trees for several years to patiently develop them into nice bonsai specimens that you can take pride in.
Lecture/Demonstration TBD
Lecture/Demonstration TBD
A lecture/demonstration on a large bonsai tree is planned.
This is the largest fundraiser of the year.
Anyone can attend and participate in the raffle and bid in the auction. Membership in FWBS is not required.
Members bring in trees, pots, tools, books, and other bonsai items to place in the raffle (under $35 value) or the auction ($35 or more value).
The raffle items are donations with all proceeds going to the club. $1 tickets are sold to place on 50 or more items in the raffle. All items are raffled off on this day and all must go!
The Auction is held immediately after the raffle. We usually auction off 50 or more items. The owners receive a large part of the proceeds with the club taking a percentage of sales.
Some Auctions have had entire bonsai collections donated and sold off.
Very good bargains can be found.
Texas Native Species Suitable for Bonsai
Texas Native Species suitable for bonsai.
Speaker: Joey McCoy from Austin
(Unless noted, All meetings are held at the Botanic Garden Center, Fort Worth Botanic Garden)