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  • Deborah Beggs Moncrief Garden Center 3220 Botanic Garden Boulevard Fort Worth, TX, 76107 United States (map)


This is the largest fundraiser of the year.

Anyone can attend and participate in the raffle and bid in the auction.  Membership in FWBS is not required.

Members bring in trees, pots, tools, books, and other bonsai items to place in the raffle (under $35 value) or the auction ($35 or more value).

The raffle items are donations with all proceeds going to the club. $1 tickets are sold to place on 50 or more items in the raffle.  All items are raffled off on this day and all must go!

The Auction is held immediately after the raffle.  We usually auction off 50 or more items.  The owners receive a large part of the proceeds with the club taking a percentage of sales.

Some Auctions have had entire bonsai collections donated and sold off.

Very good bargains can be found.

March 8

Fort Worth Bonsai Society Annual Business Meeting

April 26

Japanese Spring Festival and Sale