The Fort Worth Bonsai Society
A group of dedicated bonsai enthusiasts that meet once a month at the Garden Center building at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden,
Fort Worth, Texas, United States.
The Fort Worth Bonsai Society (FWBS) members meet on the second Saturday of the month at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden Center Building. Each meeting has a central program on some aspect of bonsai art. Some months have special extra events as noted below.
Welcome! You do not have to be a member to come to your first meeting. We encourage you to bring in any bonsai tree for free advice!
Parking is free. No admission fee is required. Come through the front doors and turn down the hall to your right.
Click on any event image below for more details.

The Fort Worth Bonsai Society (FWBS) was founded in April of 1985. The FWBS a not-for-profit educational organization whose primary objectives are to promote interest in the art of bonsai, allow bonsai enthusiasts to meet and work with each other, provide education about bonsai cultivation, and sponsor bonsai exhibits.
Originally the club met in the Rock Springs Building at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden. When the new Moncrief Garden Center building became available in June of 1986 the club began meeting there. The FWBS was invited to host an exhibit in the Fort Worth Botanical Society’s Japanese Garden Spring and Fall Festivals in 1985. The FWBS has participated in the festivals ever since then by exhibiting bonsai trees and conducting demonstrations of bonsai culture to educate the public about the art of bonsai.
The FWBS has brought to Fort Worth many visiting bonsai artists whose programs have been open to the public to promote a better understanding of the art of bonsai. In conjunction with the Lone Star Bonsai Federation (LSBF), the FWBS has sponsored several LSBF Conventions featuring internationally known bonsai artists, classes, and workshops.
Over the years the Fort Worth Bonsai Society has introduced many people to the beauty of bonsai and helped to get them started in the creation and cultivation of beautiful bonsai.
FWBS is an active group! 50-70 members per year with meetings at least once per month featuring a bonsai related topic each time. At least once per year, we sponsor a quality national or international guest lecturer/instructor.
We feature 4 workshop meetings a year with hands-on learning. Three of these workshops are ‘bring-your-own-tree’ with local experts to guide you along. In January, all the members work on styling and repotting small club junipers for sale to the public later in the year as a fundraiser. Beginners are given a class on starting a new juniper bonsai tree.
Usually held in May, another feature is the formal public bonsai exhibition held inside the Garden Center. Used to show off our members’ best bonsai trees, it also serves as a strong learning experience for the newer members. We have two other bonsai shows per year. The Spring (April) and Fall (November) Japanese Festivals are outdoor events held at the Japanese Garden which draw 3000-5000 people. We take a less formal approach to displaying the trees and enjoy chatting with the public over the weekend.
If you would like to increase your bonsai inventory, we hold a bonsai raffle/auction meeting usually in April. Bring in your unwanted plants to sell too. Always a fun meeting.
A quality door prize and “Show and Tell” segments are part of every meeting.
Fort Worth Bonsai Society
If you are interested in bonsai art, there are advantages to joining the FWBS:
A support group of people with a similar interest in your hobby, whether you are a novice or a seasoned enthusiast.
Professional speakers from the local area.
National or international speakers at least once per year.
Informative programs and events throughout the year.
Workshop sessions to work on your tree or purchase a new tree with bonsai professionals.
Valuable local sources for tools, pots, soils, plants, etc.
Bonsai related door prizes, auctions, raffles, sales, etc. throughout the year for increasing your collection.
FWBS sponsored Exhibitions for showing off your art to the public.
We have fun!
Membership Fees:
The annual fee is $30 for an individual; $40 for a couple; $20 for a student.
Renewal fee is the same as annual fee and is due in January of each year.
To pay by mail or at a meeting, please print the form below.
To register and pay online, click on the appropriate button below.
All memberships include a monthly newsletter.

Click below for the latest newsletter and to view the history of our Society through the Archives.
The photo is our tribute to John Miller, who is no longer with us. He was a long-time member of the FWBS and the Bonsai Society of Dallas. For many years John wrote a monthly bonsai maintenance article for several bonsai club newsletters throughout the State.
Plant Care Guides
The Bonsai Collection At The Japanese Garden (TBC) is an endeavor to establish a permanent bonsai tree exhibit in the Japanese Garden of the Fort Worth Botanic Garden. In 2016, members of FWBS began the long process of implementing the dream through funding and acquisition of bonsai materials.
TBC is now a separate non-profit charitable organization that would not exist without the initial setup of the FWBS. The project will always be supported by the FWBS as it progresses and finally becomes a permanent fixture at the Japanese Garden.
For more information and donations, please visit the TBC website page.